Thursday 29 January 2009

Out again

Ian reached the 4 mile marker!!
we watched these birds - not sure what they are but will be looking them up.
They seemed to be under the thumb of one very bossy member who continually got them all re-locating whenever we moved. 'Right everybody. turn right now and take two steps, okay, one two .. now stop .... okay okay, now turn left and take three, no, turn right and keep very still ....!"
Very nervous little bunch.

Just looked it up on the RSPB website - think it's a turnstone - not an every day visitor to Innellan Beach.



Found out they are 'TURNSTONES' !

Mat said...

wow, this is terrible but I've only just read this post! you should put up a new post sometime soon and maybe I'll do the same, I've been neglecting my blog for too long now ... good work on the bird identifying mcianto!