Thursday 29 January 2009

Out again

Ian reached the 4 mile marker!!
we watched these birds - not sure what they are but will be looking them up.
They seemed to be under the thumb of one very bossy member who continually got them all re-locating whenever we moved. 'Right everybody. turn right now and take two steps, okay, one two .. now stop .... okay okay, now turn left and take three, no, turn right and keep very still ....!"
Very nervous little bunch.

Just looked it up on the RSPB website - think it's a turnstone - not an every day visitor to Innellan Beach.

Thursday 1 January 2009

First Day of 2009

How lucky is that?
A nice walk and a seat in the sun to start the New Year!


What do you think? My colour??????

Ian couldn't get Ruth's beads fast enough.but before long Darrell had them and found it a puzzle to get them on!!!!!!! Ruth quickly got out her new camera to get evidence of the rascals at play.

Jay and Angel came to visit

It didn't take long befoe Jay and Angel had built all these cars and if they had stayed longer they would have built a whole town around them complete with armies!

Thursday 25 December 2008

Christmas Day at Woodville

This was lurking by the bookcase.
It didn't frighten anybody!

I don't think anybody believed I could set the timer on my mobile!!!

Gabriel kept going back into the TV room to see the lights!

Wednesday 24 December 2008